➀ Set up a template
Flexible Feedback lets you build a template and use it to efficiently write standardized feedback to students. You'll start by either creating a template, uploading an existing template, or using
our starter template. Hover over the symbols to learn more about each field type.
➁ Set up a class list
You have the option of setting up a class list. This will create a table on the next page in which you can store your feedback. This table can be exported as a PDF, Excel file, or Word document.
➂ Start writing
Once your template and class list are ready, click the USE button to start writing feedback.
➃ Use your template
Use the template to write feedback to each student. If you're using a class list, select the student from the dropdown and click SAVE to copy the feedback to the class
list. Click the COPY button to save the feedback to your clipboard. To edit your template, class list, or student feedback, click the EDIT button at any time.
➄ Save snippets to the bank
If you find yourself writing the same thing over and over, save it to the bank by highlighting text and clicking the SNIP button. You can save the bank to your computer
with the DOWNLOAD button and upload it again later with the UPLOAD button. You can edit
any snippets by double-clicking or delete a snippet using the eraser.